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For those who care


Making the Most of a Good Day
We may not be able to do all the things we used to do, but it is important to have fun and mingle with the outside world. List ideas for short outings to places with room to move around; keep up with visits to and from friends and family; visit parks and gardens where a walk can be enjoyed and then a rest on a bench (or more comfortable seat).

There are lots of places to go. Just getting out for half an hour can make all the difference.
It is important that you do not become isolated. You may not be as caring and understanding if you feel trapped and resentful; make sure you keep up with your own social life.

Team Work
Fibromyalgia is a very individual illness. It affects people in many different ways and learning to cope is better for all the family and friends. Discuss what action to take to make life better for everybody.Many people with fibromyalgia have very mild symptoms; they can lead a relatively normal life and can carry on in their employment, but they will need an understanding caring partner, family and/or friends.

They will still have bad days.You may have noticed that a person with fibromyalgia becomes easily confused and has short term memory blanks, perhaps forgetting a birthday or anniversary, getting words mixed up or missing them out altogether, sometimes stopping in the middle of a sentence completely forgetting what was being said.

These symptoms are often more distressing than the pain and fatigue.

  • Writing can sometimes be difficult; the use of a computer can assist.
  • Art and crafts can ease tension.
  • Crosswords and games can keep the mind working.
  • Keep a good supply of books and anything else that will entertain.
  • Encourage the learning of new skills. Change can be very rewarding.





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