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Problems Logging on or accessing the forum

If you are having problems logging on to the site or accessing some of its content then can you follow the procedures below:
(Some of this advice will work on the main site as well as the forums)

Contact Webmaster
Send an email to the webmaster using this contact form

When filling in the form can you please include the following information:

  • Username(s) used on site.
  • email address used on the site
  • Error message received if any

Activation Emails
When you intially login, an email will be sent to the email address that you registered with. Inside this email there is a link that you MUST click on in order to enable your account. Your account will not be activated until you click on this link and therefore you will be unable to access parts of our site e.g. posting on the forum.

Sometimes particularly long links are divided across two lines in an e-mail program - this means that clicking on the link will not always allow the user to navigate to the correct Website. To ensure that the page can be accessed correctly, please highlight the entire link with your mouse, right click, and then select "Copy".

Make sure that the link does not contain any line breaks. Then paste the entire link into the address bar of your Web browser and press enter.

Manual Activation
When you receive the email but the link does not work then you can manually activate your account by going here and entering the activation code or by using the logon form as i the picture below.

Sometimes you may not receive an activation email. This may be because it has been marked as SPAM by your ISP or mail client. Please check your SPAM folder and allow it through to your mail client. This will vary dependent on ISP and mail client.

Accounts that are not activated
If accounts are not activated by clicking on the email link or  manual activation with 14 days then the accounts will be deleted. A new registration can then be performed with the same details.

Problems accessing parts of the site
If you have a problem accessing a part of the site then can you please send a note of what you were trying to access and the error message if any that you received. Your username would also be helpful if you are logged on at the time.
Some areas of the site require you to login in order to access them

Forgot your Password?
You can have a new password sent out to you by filling in your username or email address on the page below: http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/phpBB3/ucp.php?mode=sendpassword

Clear Forum Cookies
You can also clear the forums cookies by clicking on the link here. You may need to logon again after this has completed.

Clear Internet Files
Sometimes with sign in or other "tricky" issues a hammer approach is needed.  If signing out of the site, closing your browser and then logging back in again does not solve the issue then clearing your browsers temporary internet files may help.

Clearing Temporary Internet files IE6
Clearing Temporary Internet files IE7 (Step 2)

Some other methods for IE and other browsers

* Windows Control Panel - delete Temporary Internet Files:

1. Click the Windows Start menu.
2. Select Control Panel.
3. Select Internet Options.
4. Select the General tab.
5. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button.
6. Do not check the clear Offline Content box. Click Ok.
7. Close the Control Panel windows.

* FireFox (Mozilla) - clear browser cache
1. Open FireFox (Mozilla).
2. Click the Tools menu.
3. Click Options.
4. Click Privacy.
5. Click the Clear button for Cache.

You can find some general hints and tips here

Site says your account is marked as causing spam

Our site uses some techniques to prevent spam including checking email and IP addresses against public databases. If you receive a message that suggests your account may be connected with spam please check out this post for more information. or this post here if the message says your username is blocked. 

We use cookies to improve our website and your experience when using it. Cookies used for the essential operation of the site have already been set. To find out more about the cookies we use and how to delete them, see our Cookie Use Page.

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