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Research - Attitudes of healthcare professionals towards those with Fibromyalgia

Research advert for Laura Scott

Lay study title: Attitudes of healthcare professionals towards those with Fibromyalgia

Institution: Staffordshire University

About the study: This study aims to explore the attitudes of health care professionals toward those who are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the impact these attitudes have on patient care.

Type of opportunity: To help in the development and design in a potential research project

When will this study be recruiting?  August 2021

What will participants be asked to do? Participants will be asked to share their experiences of Clinician attitudes towards them and how these attitudes impacted them and their care. After participants have shared their experiences, their experiences will help to develop statements will be used within the research. Participants will be asked to confirm the accuracy of these statements so that they may be used within the research.

Who can take part?Participants must have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia,18+ years and English must be their first language

Who is conducting the research?Laura Scott, Trainee Clinical Psychologist

Who has reviewed the study?Yvonne Melia, Clinical Psychologist

How will the study benefit people with fibromyalgia?We are hopeful that the results of the study will help to develop improvement of patient care and start the development of training for clinicians.

Expenses: Unfortunately we are unable to pay for any expenses at this time.

What next / who to contact: If you are interested please feel free to contact Laura Scott for more information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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