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Fundraising Stories

Business Owner Mel Fundraises and Raises Awareness of Fibro Through Sales

image of Mel wearing an FMA UK t-shirt

“I’m Mel, owner and creator at MawsBoutique.com.

At about 17, I became incredibly poorly literally overnight; my parents got the doctor to make a house call, my blood was so thick he could barely draw it, thought I had late-stage meningitis and told my parents to be prepared to lose me.

I don’t remember anything from this time, except I lost a lot of weight. It turned out I had multiple viral and bacterial infections all together.

Since this time, I've never quite bounced back from illnesses; each illness takes a further toll on my body.

Eventually, in my 30s, my doctor diagnosed my constant morphing symptoms as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We tried multiple concoctions of medications and exercise, which never particularly worked that well. As I build tolerance quickly, when Oramorph stopped working, I thought that was it for any type of pain relief.

I started crafting as CBT in 2018 at my doctor's suggestion, which, whilst I was working helped take my mind off the pain, but afterwards, it was tenfold. I tried many different crafts until I found my passion for bath and beauty products. With this new love, I started creating my own recipes, most of which would be put to one side and revisited many times.

I have gone on to create some products that I find to be personally beneficial in easing muscles and helping me to relax into a better night's sleep.

Before getting these products cosmetically assessed, samples were sent out to fellow sufferers in return for honest feedback, which blew me away. With these products being aimed towards fellow sufferers, I thought it only fair to give back to a Fibromyalgia charity from the sales. I believe if your products are aimed at a specific condition, it’s only fair to support those who support others.

After doing some research, I decided on FMA UK, a charity that is active in support and fundraising to raise awareness. As a microbusiness, my donations are never going to be huge, but I’m so proud of each and every sale and the fact that people are getting some type of relief as a result.

Fibromyalgia has robbed me of being the mother, wife, daughter and friend I wanted to be. I feel old, way before my time. I have become more and more reclusive as the thought of the pain after an event is enough to say no to most things. My short-term memories slip away from me, brain fog and confusion are a daily part of my life, and planning a day around pain and aching is a daily occurrence and the new normal, but as many sufferers know, a smile doesn’t mean we’re ok, it just means after many years we get better at masking it.

Hopefully, with enough awareness and fundraising, eventually, there will be a better understanding of Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME and maybe even something to truly ease the suffering.”

If you have been by inspired to fundraise by Mel's story, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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