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Fundraising Stories

Daniel Johns runs the Bristol Half Marathon in aid of FMA UK

Daniel Johns will be running in the Bristol Half Marathon this September.

In the video below, Daniel Johns talks about his personal reasons for sharing awareness of fibro and fundraising for FMA UK.

To donate, please visit Daniel's fundraising page at JustGiving.

If you have been by inspired to fundraise by Daniel's story, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Aimie's '50 Miles in May'

photo of Aimie wearing an FMA UK t-shirt

Aimie will be walking '50 Miles in May in aid of FMA UK. To donate to Aimie' fundraising campaign, click here and read on to hear why Aimie has chosen to fundraise for FMA UK.

“Hello, I'm Aimie, 25 years old from Scotland and this is my story!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2017, at the age of 21. My doctor actually told me that it was one of the youngest cases that she had ever diagnosed! At the time, I had no idea what this condition was and also was unaware of how much it was about to change my life. Over the years, my condition, unfortunately, worsened which has made me lose the ability to carry out many of the "normal" activities that I used to be able to do with no struggles; walking long distances being one of them.

I spent hours on the internet, looking for information about Fibromyalgia until I came across FMA UK. Not only was it a charity close to home, but I was also able to get the information I needed from them and they have no idea how much they have helped me get through the uncertain times of my condition.

In May 2021, I decided that I was going to challenge myself by getting out and walking more. I also wanted to do it for charity and to raise awareness for FMA UK and also for the people who experience the same daily battle as I do. This condition is often left out of the public eye in society these days and I felt like I wanted to do my part to bring it to people's attention!

"50 Miles in May" was what I decided to call it. Whilst 50 miles in the space of a month may not seem like a lot to the average person, to myself and many others, it can be challenging!

I managed to raise £257.21 for FMA UK and felt very proud of myself! Admittedly, there were times throughout the month that I wanted to give up, but with the support and motivation from friends and family, I kept going and absolutely smashed my goals.

This year, I have planned to participate in the same challenge to fundraise for FMA UK! I feel very positive about it this time round and hopefully in the future, others can join in too!”

To donate please visit Aimie's fundraising page here.

If you have been by inspired to fundraise by Aimie's story, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Jasmine's Skydive for FMA UK

Photo of Jasmine wearing FMA UK t-shirt

Jasmine will be doing a skydive in aid of FMA UK. To donate to her fundraising campaign, click here and read on to hear why Jasmine has chosen to fundraise for FMA UK.

“Hi, I’m Jasmine. I’m from the Midlands and have been living with fibromyalgia for 10 years.

When I was in my early teens, I started to develop symptoms what I now know to be fibromyalgia. I particularly suffered with pain in my hands; to the point where my right hand looked deformed. I was tired all the time, struggled with concentration and the smallest of things felt the greatest of efforts. After several visits to the GP and a couple of trips to the general hospital, I was referred to the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford where I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Following my diagnosis, I was offered a two week rehabilitation programme where I had input from a psychologist, an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist. These two weeks changed my life and my outlook. I came away feeling confident I had the skills to manage fibromyalgia. Of course, I still have my bad days – where the brain fog and fatigue is so bad I don’t want to get out of bed and the pain makes me want to curl over. In these dark moments, I get into my head feeling like I’m not good enough and feeling angry with the world. Sometimes in these moments, I cave in to my body and will do nothing. Other times, I feel more determined to keep pushing through.

On September 1st, I will be skydiving for FMA UK. I have chosen this year to skydive because it marks 10 years since receiving my diagnosis. Many of my friends and colleagues still don’t know I have fibromyalgia! It is something I don’t talk about because I’ve felt I can’t be bothered to explain it, I don’t want to be judged or treated differently or seen not to be able to do something. I think this attitude comes from being in secondary school being asked by my peers ‘why have you been off?’ ‘what’s wrong with you?’ and from doctors ruling out condition after condition making me feel like maybe it is all in my head.

As I’ve got older and worked within mental health, I’ve concluded more awareness needs to be raised of hidden disabilities and I can make a positive difference by being the voice for so many others in the same situation. In my career, I try to instil hope for others and it’s taught me to be a lot kinder to myself! You have to find your own coping strategies and make sure you make time for them. I accept my diagnosis and my limitations during a flare up but this doesn’t stop me from achieving my goals.

I am aiming to raise £500 for FMA UK and will be self-funding my sky dive so all proceeds will directly go to the charity. FMA UK is important to me because they really do work hard to support others. It is mainly volunteer ran and these volunteers are the reason sufferers know about support groups and are able access online forums and helplines. I am grateful for the support they offer and want to give something back.

To donate please visit my JustGiving page here. Thank You!”

If you have been by inspired to fundraise by Jasmine's story, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Share your Fundraising Story

Sharing your fundraising story is a great way to raise awareness of fibromyalgia and encourage others to volunteer or fundraise for Fibromyalgia Action UK. It may even drive more donations to your fundraising page.

If you would like to share your story on our social media and future publications, send us a video or short article of 500-600 words and including;

  • How you (or family member/friend, etc.) are personally affected by fibromyalgia.
  • Why Fibromyalgia Action UK is a charity that is important to you.
  • Why you have chosen to fundraise in this way.
  • A photo of you in your FMA UK t-shirt.

Send your fundraising story to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get back to you shortly.

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