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Research Study- Fibromyalgia and Physical Activity

Charlotte Chambers is doing her final year dissertation on Fibromyalgia and Exercise.   She is looking for participants to take part in a research study on experiences of physical activity.  

What is the purpose of the study?

Physical activity is often recommended to people with fibromyalgia as part of their self-management. This study seeks to explore the physical activity experiences of individuals with fibromyalgia in the management of their condition.

6 What will happen to me if I take part?

Should you decide to take part in the study, you will be involved in a single session interview either in person or via skype lasting for no longer than one hour with as many breaks as required by you. 

The interview will consist of open ended questions regarding your experiences of physical activity. It will be recorded using an audio taping device, to aid in the analysis of the data after the interview. If it is possible to conduct the interview in person an appropriate time and location will be arranged, such as a university private room or private library conference room. The location will be agreed prior to the interview between us. If skype is more appropriate a date and time will be agreed prior to interview.

Please make sure you read the attached Information Sheet fully before getting in touch with Charlotte to participate. 


My name is Charlotte and I am a student at the University of Brighton, I would like to invite you to participate in a research study which seeks to explore individuals who have Fibromyalgia experiences of physical activity. By doing so It may highlight useful information when recommending physical activity and the effects it can have on those with fibromyalgia.

Before you decide to participate it is essential to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve for you.  Please take the time to read the following ‘Participant Information Sheet’ carefully.  Discuss with others about the study if you wish, and take your time to decide whether you would like to participate.  

If there is anything that is unclear or if you would like more information then please contact us using the contact details provided.  Thank you for your consideration, we hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,
Charlotte Chambers
Final year MSc. Rehabilitation Science (Physiotherapy)

Download this file (Charlotte Chambers_FM consent frorm.pdf)FM Study Consent Form[ ]415 kB
Download this file (Charlotte Chambers_Participant information 101016.pdf)FM Study Participant Information[ ]431 kB

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